NPAF Supports Cancer Moonshot Relaunch

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Caitlin Donovan
Senior Director, Outreach and Communications

National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF) supports President Biden’s renewed leadership of the Cancer Moonshot and its goal of reducing cancer mortality in this country by at least 50% over the next 25 years. This broad-based, multidisciplinary initiative will bring energy, expertise and much needed resources to reducing disparities in access to cancer treatment, improving cancer therapies and increasing efforts to prevent and detect cancer early. 


“At NPAF and PAF, we work every day to help people affected by cancer deal with the impact of cancer on their lives and well-being,” Alan Balch, CEO said. “We are encouraged by the progress that precision medicine has been made in detecting and treating many forms of cancer, but it’s very important that we ensure that these advances continue and that everyone benefits from new knowledge in preventing, detecting and treating this disease. We believe the Cancer Moonshot is an important step in that direction.”


NPAF congratulates President Biden and his administration for bringing the Cancer Moonshot back to the forefront and for his determination to bring the cancer community together to build and expand on the work that has been done to date. We also recognize that these efforts depend on Congress increasing funding for research, prevention and treatment and encourage Congress to make these areas a priority.